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Daily Market Update

Local Market News

Today on the local exchange, AML Foods Limited [AML] traded 1,000 shares to close down $0.16 to a new price of $5.85 per share, Bahamas First Holdings Limited [BFH] traded 12,000 shares to close down $0.10 to a new price of $2.20 per share, Commonwealth Bank [CBL] traded 16,000 shares to close up $0.02 to a new price of $4.99 per share, and Cable Bahamas [CAB] traded 3,000 shares to close up $0.30 to a new price of $3.30 per share. BRS traded 4,850 shares.

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52-Week High 52-Week Low Company Symbol Last Price Close Price Change Volume EPS Div Paid P/E Ratio Div Yield
1.00 1.00 Colina Holdings Class 'A' Preference Shares CHLA 1.00 1.00 0.00 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 6.25%
10.00 10.00 Fidelity Bank Series 'A' Redeemable Preference Shares FBBA 10.00 10.00 0.00 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 7.00%
1.00 1.00 Focol Class 'B' Perpetual Preference Shares FCLB 1.00 1.00 0.00 0 0.000 0.000 0.00 6.50%
Preferred Shares
6.48 4.50 AML Foods Limited AML 5.85 5.85 -0.16 1,000 0.326 0.230 18.00 3.93 %
44.64 41.19 Arawak Port Development Ltd. APD 55.00 44.64 0.00 0 2.393 1.750 18.70 3.92 %
2.30 1.99 Bahamas First Holdings Limited BFH 2.20 2.20 -0.10 12,000 0.173 0.080 12.70 3.64 %
10.50 7.00 Bahamas Property Fund BPF 10.50 10.50 0.00 0 1.073 0.400 9.80 3.81 %
11.08 10.00 Bahamas Waste BWL 10.70 10.99 0.00 0 0.525 0.320 20.90 2.91 %
5.30 3.95 Bank of The Bahamas BOB 4.30 4.30 0.00 0 0.363 0.030 11.90 0.70 %
2.76 2.76 Benchmark BBL 2.49 2.76 0.00 0 0.680 0.040 4.10 1.45 %
4.21 3.00 Cable Bahamas CAB 3.30 3.30 0.30 3,000 0.275 0.200 12.00 6.06 %
14.50 13.30 CIBC Caribbean Bank CIB 14.50 14.50 0.00 0 1.018 0.360 14.20 2.48 %
11.97 10.20 Colina Holdings Ltd. CHL 11.97 11.97 0.00 0 1.248 0.520 9.60 4.34 %
5.46 4.36 Commonwealth Bank Ltd. CBL 4.99 4.99 0.02 16,000 0.220 0.160 22.60 3.21 %
12.00 10.50 Commonwealth Brewery Ltd CBB 10.95 10.89 0.00 0 0.453 0.460 24.00 4.22 %
7.55 4.75 Consolidated Water - BDR CWCB 5.65 5.05 0.12 0 0.000 0.079 0.00 1.56 %
10.50 10.05 Doctors Hospital DHS 10.50 10.49 0.00 0 0.406 0.100 25.80 0.95 %
9.73 7.96 Emera - BDR EMAB 9.43 9.12 0.02 0 0.000 0.391 0.00 4.29 %
5.75 3.95 Famguard FAM 5.75 5.75 0.00 0 0.171 0.210 33.60 3.65 %
17.75 15.71 Fidelity Bank FBB 17.45 17.45 0.00 0 0.478 0.490 36.50 2.81 %
15.00 12.73 Finco FIN 14.75 15.00 0.00 0 0.828 0.750 18.10 5.00 %
6.40 4.15 Focol FCL 6.40 6.40 0.00 0 0.285 0.150 22.40 2.34 %
16.75 15.81 J S Johnson JSJ 16.75 16.75 0.00 0 0.876 0.760 19.10 4.54 %

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  • AML Foods Limited AML  + 5.85
  • Arawak Port Development Ltd APD  + 44.64
  • Bahamas First Holding Limited BFH  + 2.20
  • Bahamas Property Fund BPF  + 10.50
  • Bahamas Waste BWL  + 10.99
  • Bank of Bahamas BOB  + 4.30
  • Benchmark BBL  + 2.76
  • Cable Bahamas CAB  + 3.30
  • Colina Holdings Class Preference CHLA  + 1.00
  • Colina Holdings Ltd. CHL  + 11.97
  • Commonwealth Bank Ltd. CBL  + 4.99
  • Commonwealth Brewery CBB  + 10.89
  • Consolidated Water BDR CWCB  + 5.05
  • Doctors Hospital DHS  + 10.49
  • Emera EMAB  + 9.12
  • Famguard FAM  + 5.75
  • Fidelity Bank FBB  + 17.45
  • Fidelity Bank Series A Redeemable Preference FBBA  + 10.00
  • Finco FIN  + 15.00
  • FirstCaribbean CIB  + 14.50
  • Focol FCL  + 6.40
  • Focol Class B Perpetual Preference FCLB  + 1.00
  • J S Johnson JSJ  + 16.75
  • Prime Income Fund MF  + 8.04
  • RF International Alternative Strategies Fund MF  + 11.64
  • RF International Equities Sub Fund MF  + 15.12
  • RF International High Yield Fund MF  + 12.81
  • Secure Balanced Fund MF  + 10.68
  • Targeted Equity Fund MF  + 14.39